Author: Sophia Abdullah
The new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2,) the unseen enemy just like Devil himself, not visible to human eyes but capable of sending the whole world into a state of panic, great fear, mental anguish, hopelessness; causing millions to lose their jobs, crippling world’s economies and causing loss of lives of more than 2 million thus far. In short, both lives and livelihoods are affected. For certain unknown reasons, the number of deaths among my friends or their family members were also the highest in the year 2020 but none of the deaths was due to Covid-19.
Some governments are on the brink of collapse arising from the dip in economy due to lockdowns and states of emergencies, healthcare of countries is tested to the limit, daily wage earners are forced to face a grim near future not knowing when help is arriving, family units are breaking down as we saw breadwinners of family suffered loss of jobs causing family tensions and some resorting to murders and suicides. Besides that, significant rise of incest cases was reported during Covid-19 lockdowns and most cases involved biological fathers. In short, the pandemic has brought out the worst in all nations and amongst mankind.
At the start of this pandemic, we could see different religious groups still holding religious activities on a large scale amidst pandemic to the point of receiving backlash from different countries when we saw a surge of Covid-19 cases after all these activities had ended. Ignorance about the virulence of the coronavirus strain is simply not bliss. The virus did not and still does not choose its victims. What Allah SWT allows no man can stop. The show of piousness by breaking into mosques for Friday prayers, refusing authorities not to assemble, digging out from graves the bodies of deceased of Covid-19 to be bathed and enshrouded according to Islamic burial rituals which contributed to the spread of the deadly virus, gathering of big groups to commemorate the death of saints/holy men, taking government to court for ordering the use of face masks because some people opined that they were being deprived of the right to breathe, joining wild parties to deliberately get infected in the hope of getting immunisation through infection – Yes, these are some of the unthinkable things that people did while the whole world was trying to fight an almost futile war against the novel coronavirus.
The thought of Covid-19 being a means to wake people up from lust and greed is simply farcical just by looking at the crazing politicians. They never seem to have enough. Is life just about getting and earning more? This is obviously the philosophy of politicians in most countries. When their positions are threatened, they would get people to the streets amidst pandemic to support them, some elections were held during pandemic outbreaks when situations did not call for such actions. What remains inexplicable is that people were still so supportive of these selfish politicians by defying order and staking their lives by demonstrating on the streets and while doing so; some who had the least disregard of personal protection against this smallest enemy, Covid-19 virus, got themselves infected. It is akin to wasting one’s life for a foolish cause just to satisfy the wild ambition of corrupt country leaders. If some of these people dare to use the name of Allah SWT to justify their selfish cause or ambition, by supporting them, are we not a partner of their selfish plans? Why ended up like a chess piece to fulfill their ambition? While some are ardent supporters, a handful are happy when these corrupt leaders are struck by Covid-19 themselves. It is one way to stop their selfish pursuit temporarily. They have already taken more than what they deserved.
Isa Al Masih mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew 22: 21 “Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and to God the things that are God’s.” It is time for us to give back to Allah SWT. It is time to sit down and consider sensibly what is the worthwhile thing to do. Ultimately who can save us? Has not this pandemic conveyed the message that life is shockingly fragile and unpredictable. One moment we are here and another moment we could be lying somewhere in our deathbed with ventilator, gasping for breath, one leg crossing over to the netherworld. Before this happens, should we not grab the chance before it is too late to repent and seek the forgiveness of Allah SWT instead of indulging in our wild ambition?
Some affluent people still try to take advantage of the dire economic situation by investing in shares, gold, silver, properties hoping that the value of their investments will rise. People are looking for opportunities, as it seems, to make more money, to grow one’s wealth. The opportunists seem confident that situation will certainly turn around, after all every cloud has a silver lining. Kudos to people who have so much positive energy but again how much is enough to make us realise that we bring nothing to this world and we can take nothing out of it. If it is not a matter of money, then is it a matter of self-actualization that you just wish to challenge yourself to see how far your achievement can get? In the end, where do all these lead to? You leave behind wealth for your children who do not have to work hard to enjoy the fruits of your labor. You forget that the Quran mentions these words, “ And know that your properties and your children are but a trial and that Allah has with Him a great reward “ (Surah 8: 28)(Sahih International). The same is repeated in Surah 64: 15. The pitfalls for many people including believers are their children and possessions/wealth. What seems to be a blessing can end up as a curse because the values of Allah SWT are different to the values of men who function by the flesh. Allah has warned us not to let our wealth and children to divert us from the remembrance of Him and if anyone does this, they will be the loser. (Surah 63: 9). Why should we remember Allah SWT? Because it is Allah SWT who holds the great reward. Doesn’t this reward mean much more to us than our wealth and children? What is the purpose of the Covid-19 pandemic? Is it not to tell us to stop and think again the whole purpose and direction of our life?
Read then Gospel of Luke 12:15-21, to the world the rich man is brilliant having great foresight but what does Allah SWT say?
As humans, we give so much time, energy and money to people whom we care for, possessions we cherish and hope to maintain, ambitions we wish to fulfill and things we desire to own, the only One perhaps we have not spent enough time with is knowing the One who gave us life. Perhaps this pandemic is to remind us to give more time to our Creator as we owe our existence to Him. It is time to give to Allah SWT what is due to Him. Time to scale down our activities, our pursuit of the world and start rethinking the whole direction of our life. Of course, there are various legitimate commitments of life that we need to fulfill for ourselves and our loved ones and in times like this make life even more difficult to meet such commitments. Perhaps it is time to let go a while and come to the Creator to cast our cares and concerns to Him while asking Him for a clear direction to life; after all is life just about worldly pursuit, fulfilling commitments, family affairs, etc. and finally followed by death. What is the true purpose of living?
I am not sure about how you feel about this Covid-19 pandemic but as for me this pandemic does bring about a certain gloomy atmosphere. As time goes by and more and more Covid-19 cases reported in the country and worldwide, one can get edgy and fearful and stepping out of one’s home which in the past did not require second thought may now require great courage and faith to do so for fear of being infected. If one is born in a war-torn country or in a family laden with constant great sufferings, then this pandemic is indeed an added curse/suffering. May Allah SWT have mercy. There have never been more life’s uncertainties than it has now. However, I find much comfort reading the scripture in the Gospel of Matthew.
Matthew 8: 23-26
23 When He got into the boat, His disciples followed Him.
24 And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being covered with the waves; but Jesus Himself was asleep.
25 And they came to Him and woke Him, saying, “Save us, Lord; we are perishing!”
26 He said to them, “Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?” Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it became perfectly calm.
Even when the whole world seems chaotic, Allah SWT can bring peace and calmness to the world through Isa Al Masih. With Isa Al Masih, we can sail through this pandemic storm.
Studying the scripture, for me, has never been more refreshing and rewarding with my group. The truth of the scripture confronted each one in the face of crisis. One needs to decide whether to obey or not because the feeling is that time is running out. There is something good that comes out of this pandemic. When believers lose their jobs, they learn to trust in Allah’s provision. The pandemic teaches Allah’s children to show love to those in need. It forces believers to face the spiritual issues that they tried to evade/avoid in the past. Even if vaccines are available, they cannot help to solve spiritual problems but strangely it is during this pandemic that believers make effort to deal with their spiritual problems in the face of adversity. May this pandemic bring people closer to Allah SWT who holds the great reward for those who believe and do righteousness. May Allah SWT’s purpose for mankind be achieved through this great trial. __________________________________________________________________
All Gospel verses are sourced from New American Standard Bible with Codes (1995), with thanks.