原谅 (A)

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Writer: Harun Jo

With a child, forgiveness is not an option, it is expected. As a parent we know that a child will always make mistakes and expects to be forgiven later. This relay marathon of forgiveness and mistakes may go on for a long time, we all agree, don’t we? In the end, forgiveness is taken for granted and becomes an expectation that is freely given.

Sooner or later, as we grow older, the feeling that forgiveness may not be necessary will deepen. Asking for forgiveness will be more and more difficult due to pride; it becomes a sign of weakness and in the end may just as well end up as a ceremonial duty on special occasions.

Could it be that we have accumulated so much baggage along the way that it is just too much to bear that we feel ashamed to say sorry? Or perhaps it is easier to say we were wrong only on our deathbed? So, to be forgiven and to forgive are important to us then?

If we look into the Holy Scriptures, forgiveness is one of the key messages important for our salvation. It is the first step to get closer to God. Asking for forgiveness from God is not only a personal effort. Do we realize that God also plays an active part? In fact, God can be seen as taking the first step to approach us, His creation.

Let us see from the Quran, the very first surah, Al-Fatihah begins with

“In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful”

Then in the third verse,

“The  Beneficent, the Merciful”

And when we look further into the Hadith:

“Allah’s Apostle (p.b.u.h) said, “Our Lord, the Blessed, the Superior, comes every night down on the nearest Heaven to us when the last third of the night remains, saying: “Is there anyone to invoke Me, so that I may respond to invocation? Is there anyone to ask Me, so that I may grant him his request? Is there anyone seeking My forgiveness, so that I may forgive him?”

021: 246 : Narrated By Abu Huraira

From this few verses of the Quran and Hadith, I cannot help but notice that undoubtedly, man is always at the heart of Allah. Allah is concerned for those who want to seek Him but still feel inadequate, shy to face Him. Allah makes it very clearly from the beginning of His virtues as being the Beneficent and the Merciful. If these are not convincing enough, Allah even goes about asking whom He can forgive.

Even from the 99 names attributed to Allah, 9 are pointing to His forgiving attribute

Al – ‘Afuww       – The Pardoner

Al – Ghaffar       – The Repeatedly Forgiving

Al – Ghafur        – The All Forgiving

Al – Haleem      – The Forbearing

Ar – Rahman     – The Compassionate

Ar – Rahim        – The Merciful

Ar – Ra’uf          – The Compassionate, the All Pitying

At – Tawwaab   – The Acceptor of Repentance

As – Sabur        – The Patient

Perhaps God knows the heart of man; it becomes sedated and numb over time as we carry on with whatever little lives that we have. Man’s ego took over his conscience, numbing the humble heart. The fact that man came into this world in the most humble circumstance, naked and without belongings has slowly faded.

When we put all of these into perspective, it is actually easy to approach God! It is not an impossible task. God is not ‘aloof’ or distant. Unlike approaching people, it is easier to approach God. We do not have to make an appointment. The only requirement is a willing heart, for God has said that He is Beneficent and Merciful.

Yet, the attitude has to be right. We cannot take for granted that the mercy of God will always be there. We must understand that though there is a second chance, do not take things for granted as He is also known as ‘Al-Fattah’ – The Opener, The Judge. He will judge us in the end, taking into account of how we have handled His Mercy.

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