The meaning of ‘Muslim’

posted in: Scriptural Studies | 0

Writer: Aimo Si

What kind of person can be considered as outstanding? What do you think are the qualities of an outstanding person?

While I was talking to a friend, I was led to think about this matter. He said he has little knowledge, little guts; though he has a stable job, his wages are not high, also difficult to have better advancement. He has to remain in this present job throughout his life, and will not be an outstanding person.

News (6.5.2009): Australia sent out a recruitment notice to worldwide for the post of ‘Island protector’ for Hamilton Island in Queensland; there were 35,000 applicants. This job was considered as ‘The best job in the world’ for protecting the island for six months and would be paid AUS$150,000, got to stay in a seaview villa. His daily duty was to patrol the white sandy beach and reported the course of his adventure to the world through blogs, pictures and videos. Furthermore, he could bring along a relative or friend to spend the good time there. Finally, an Englishman got the job.

From the society’s point of view, this Englishman was regarded as outstanding; he managed to distinguish himself from among 35,000 competitors and got this vacation-like job.

Standards of society: external achievements (education, wages…..)

Are these the Lord’s standards? If yes, this is bad news for most of us because after all, outstanding people are few, most people live mediocre lives. The Lord sees man as precious. Thus, the Lord will surely have another set of standards so that everyone has the opportunity to become an outstanding person. The topic we are studying today – Muslim, is closely related. Otherwise, the Lord may be partial because some people cannot display their talents due to lack of circumstances, opportunities and so on.

What is the meaning of ‘Muslim’?

‘Muslim’ – person who submits to Allah’s will (3:64). Al-Quran often mentions that submission to Allah and submission to (the teachings of) His messengers are always inseparable! (5: 111)

Surah 5:111       “And behold! I inspired the disciples to have faith in Me and Mine Messenger: they said, ‘We have faith, and do thou bear witness that we bow to Allah as Muslims‘”.

The mission of Muslims!

Surah 22:78        And strive in His cause as ye ought to strive, (with sincerity and under discipline). He has chosen you, and has imposed no difficulties on you in religion; it is the cult of your father Abraham. It is He Who has named you Muslims, both before and in this (Revelation); that the Messenger may be a witness for you, and ye be witnesses for mankind! So establish regular Prayer, give regular Charity, and hold fast to Allah! He is your Protector – the Best to protect and the Best to help!

Allah called those who have true faith as ‘Muslim’. The mission of Muslims: to be witnesses for mankind! How to witness? Experience it personally! In order to testify in a court of law, the witness must have personal experience and must not be hearsay. Similarly, in order for Muslims to maintain a relationship with Allah, they have to hold fast to Allah, establish Salah (prayer) and pay Zakah (contribute to man).

Muslim’s witness: changes in life! For example: the Egyptian wizards (7:113 – 126)

Surah 7:125 They said: “For us, We are but sent back unto our Lord:

Surah 7:126 “But thou dost wreak thy vengeance on us simply because we believed in the Signs of our Lord when they reached us! Our Lord! pour out on us patience and constancy, and take our souls unto thee as Muslims (who bow to thy will)!

Repentance is a change of life (direction): seek the interest -> to pay the price of one’s life because of faith (martyr); they pray for perseverance when facing suffering and have an affirmative attitude towards eternal life.

Muslim – possesses the inner quality (life) to please the Lord

Surah 16:89        One day We shall raise from all Peoples a witness against them, from amongst themselves: and We shall bring thee as a witness against these (thy people): and We have sent down to thee the Book explaining all things, a Guide, a Mercy, and Glad Tidings to Muslims.

Surah 16:90 Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and liberality to kith and kin, and He forbids all shameful deeds, and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you, that ye may receive admonition.

Muslims live their lives in accordance with the Scripture, to become Allah’s witnesses. Allah’s will (through teachings of the Scripture) is the inner quality of life but often, it is also disliked by human nature!

Surah 33:35 For Muslim men and women,- for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in Charity, for men and women who fast (and deny themselves), for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Allah’s praise,- for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward.

  1. Obedience is the top priority! It is only when we submit to Allah’s will, then we will have the inner qualities.
  2. Men and women are equal; both have to pursue to become Muslim.

In the eyes of the Lord: a true Muslim is an outstanding person!

They may not have high achievement and status in the society, but they witness the reality of Allah through their life qualities, so people will see Allah’s power. [I used my past working experience to respond to my friend’s conversation].

Why Allah regards the inner qualities as important? Is it not easier for people to see the Lord’s blessing if it is something external (status, wealth, etc.)?

  1. Material things are  only temporary, only personal inner qualities are permanent;
  2. Inner quality without righteousness may even bring harm to those around you.


Surah 16:102 Say, the Holy Spirit has brought the revelation from thy Lord in Truth, in order to strengthen those who believe, and as a Guide and Glad Tidings to Muslims.

Surah 28:52 Those to whom We sent the Book before this,- they do believe in this (revelation):

Surah 28:53        And when it is recited to them, they say: “We believe therein, for it is the Truth from our Lord: indeed we have been Muslims (bowing to Allah’s Will) from before this.

Man’s greatest difficulties:

Focus being misplaced! As man has not found the center of his faith, he will lose the meaning and direction of life, he will live in vain, thus causes a lot of regrets in life! Becoming a Muslim has a great impact in our lives and will affect our eternal life.

To be Muslim is the only way to salvation!

Surah 51:31 (Abraham) said: “And what, O ye Messengers, is your errand (now)?”

Surah 51:32 They said, “We have been sent to a people (deep) in sin;

Surah 51:33 “To bring on, on them, (a shower of) stones of clay (brimstone),

Surah 51:34 “Marked as from thy Lord for those who trespass beyond bounds.”

Surah 51:35 Then We evacuated those of the Believers who were there,

Surah 51:36 But We found not there any just (Muslim) persons except in one house:

Believer = Muslim; the only way to salvation (escape from judgment)

What are the hindrances to become a “Muslim”?

Obedience -> concept of servants (slaves)

Surah 3: 52         When Jesus found Unbelief on their part He said: “Who will be My helpers to (the work of) Allah?” Said the disciples: “We are Allah’s helpers: We believe in Allah, and do thou bear witness that we are Muslims.

Surah 3:53 “Our Lord! we believe in what Thou hast revealed, and we follow the Messenger; then write us down among those who bear witness.”

The crowd did not believe; Muslims will strive for the Lord (Helpers to the work of Allah). The way to witness: believe in the Scripture (revelation) + follow the Messenger (Isa)  è the witness of life. Muslims will help Isa in the cause of Allah; they are the Lord’s servants.

Are we submitting to our selfish desires/lusts or to Allah? You will be the servant to whatever that subdues you.

Surah 4:27 Allah doth wish to Turn to you, but the wish of those who follow their lusts is that ye should turn away (from Him),- far, far away.

Allah would like to get close to men, but men’s lusts become the barrier, and they also hope others to be cut off from the Lord.

Surah 19:59 But after them there followed a posterity who missed prayers and followed after lusts soon, then, will they face Destruction,-

Them: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Israel; if their descendants followed after their lusts, the outcome will still be destruction.

What is the intention of lusts? Contradicting Allah’s will!

Surah 16:89        One day We shall raise from all Peoples a witness against them, from amongst themselves: and We shall bring thee as a witness against these (thy people): and We have sent down to thee the Book explaining all things, a Guide, a Mercy, and Glad Tidings to Muslims.

Surah 16:90 Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and liberality to kith and kin, and He forbids all shameful deeds, and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you, that ye may receive admonition.

Lusts may not be necessarily something great, perhaps it is pride of the heart, lust of the eyes, jealousy, desire to get rich, tell lies…Man’s problem: treat lusts lightly, bury lusts in their hearts, thus they become a handle (like a door handle) for Iblis (devil), being used to shake them; such life is a failure, defeat, and will bring harm to others, this is definitely not the outstanding life that Allah bestows on us. [share my learning in dealing with pride]


  • A true Muslim is an outstanding person; for example, righteous men like Abraham and Ishmael (2:127 – 128), Yusof (12:101), because Allah looks at inner qualities. If one cannot become a Muslim in the eyes of Allah, he is living his life in vain.
  • We are the servants of whomever we submit to; we are facing a choice, should we submit to Allah, or to our lusts? This precisely hinders us from becoming a Muslim!



All Al-Quran verses are sourced from English Translation of Al-Quran by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, with thanks.

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