My knowledge: Allah SWT will be sad

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Firstly, I must state clearly that this is merely my journal on Al-Quran reading, merely knowledge gained from reading Al-Quran. This is not a research on Al-Quran, and there is no support from Al-Quran in Arabic. The purpose of contributing my journal to ‘myjourneyoffaith’ network is to share what l have learnt with those who pursue the truth. If there is any inaccuracy in my understanding, please correct me Muslim scholars.

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There are a few verses from surah Al-Fatihah and surah Al-Baqarah verses 1 – 30 that have touched me greatly.

<Quran> Al-Fatihah, verse 2

Translation by Muhd M. W. Pickthall:  Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds,

Translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali: Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds;

This surah tells us what kind of God Allah SWT is. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word ‘cherish’ means ‘to hold dear: feel or show affection for’, ‘to keep or cultivate with care and affection’, ‘to entertain or harbor in the mind deeply and resolutely’ .  The word ‘sustain’ have the meanings among others ‘to give support or relief to’, ‘to supply with sustenance’, ‘to bear up under’.

This will be clearer if it were to be translated directly: All praise be to Allah, the world’s cherisher and sustainer.

Since young, I already knew that Allah SWT is self-sufficient; therefore, I do not think Allah SWT is lacking of anything and cares for anything and He always wants to judge and punish men. However, I am very touched today! Allah SWT is not icy but has feeling toward the world He had created, and the feeling is so strong that He cherishes and loves the world.

<Quran> Al-Baqarah, verse 29

Translation by Muhd M.W.Pickthall: He it is Who created for you all that is in the earth…

I am even more shocked: our Creator is such a meticulous and loving Lord, He cherishes the world He had created, and the world was created for men. Clearly, man is very precious in the Lord’s heart.

There is something for us to consider: The Lord wants me to know His love for the world and men, what does this mean? What is the significance of this to me?

I am Allah SWT’s servant; I pursue what is pleasing to Allah SWT. Therefore, I should love the world which Allah SWT cherishes. Ha! Ha! I need to increase my awareness for environmental protection. Nevertheless, in Allah SWT’s mind, He gives greater care and value for men. Then, as a servant, how should I treat people? Of course I have to love them. Come to think about this task carefully, this is very difficult! Allah SWT treats everyone the same, Allah SWT causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. What about me? Not to mention people that I do not like, sometimes, I even have difficulty in loving my friends and family. I really need Allah SWT, may Allah SWT help me, grant me courage and ability to learn the lesson of love.

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<Quran> Al-Baqarah, verse 10

Translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali: In their hearts is a disease; and Allah has increased their disease: And grievous is the penalty they (incur), because they are false (to themselves).

Translation by Muhd. M.W.Pickthall: In their hearts is a disease, and Allah increaseth their disease. A painful doom is theirs because they lie.

I did not understand when I first read this surah: some people are already sick, Allah SWT does not cure them, instead, increases their sickness and finally these people are punished. I am confused. This should not be the way; Allah SWT does not desire anyone in bad shape; must not forget that Allah SWT cherishes every man. Thus, I repeatedly read the whole context and finally I understand. Those people do not believe in their hearts and yet they lie by saying they are believers. The disease of their hearts is they do not believe in Allah SWT, they are punished because they lie.

The meaning of grievous is causing great sorrow and suffering. Isn’t it reasonable for these people who pretend to be believers punished? Why is there still someone feeling sorrowful about it? Who is the one who feels sad? It is not difficult for us to see that Allah SWT who feels sorrowful. Amazing!

This is greatly unexpected! I thought Allah SWT likes to punish people, because this is His law, those who do not listen to His word will have to pay the price! But I am so wrong, I have misunderstood my Lord; in fact, I do not understand my Lord!! May Allah SWT forgive me for my ignorance and I want to give thanks because Allah SWT has opened my eyes so I can see His love and that He cherishes man. My Lord is not happy to see people being punished because He loves us, He cherishes every one of us. Can you see? When someone ought to be punished, my Lord still loves him. From His sadness you can see His eternal and unchanging love for men, even for the sinners! Thank you Allah SWT, through His word I can understand Him better. I pray to Allah SWT who is full of lovingkindness to guard me so I can be an honest person, a true believer of Allah. I do not want to be punished and do not want my Lord to feel sad for me.

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<Quran> Al-Baqarah, verse 21

Translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali: O ye people! Adore your Guardian-Lord, who created you and those who came before you, that ye may have the chance to learn righteousness;

Actually, I do not really understand why Allah SWT wants men to worship Him. Allah SWT is omnipotent, self-sufficient. He is lacking of nothing and does not need anything. What does worship mean to Him? On the other hand, Allah SWT is so powerful; what is the effect on Him even if I do not worship Him? Allah’s status and authority will never be shaken if men do not worship him. This is very confusing.

Thanks to my Lord that I have understood a little bit today. In fact, worshipping Allah SWT is men’s need. We can see from here, this is an opportunity for us to learn what is pleasing and important in Allah SWT’s eyes – righteousness. In that case, apparently men’s worship of Allah SWT is being measured or indexed. ‘Worship Allah SWT’ is not doing something very simple; it is not something that can be done by mere talking. It is only when I have Allah SWT’s righteousness and honesty in me, then I am a true worshipper of Allah SWT! This is wonderful! I have been attending worship services for a long while but I do not find myself any different from those who don’t. Actually, the effect of worship is to allow change to one’s heart within, change one who does not know about righteousness to become a righteous and honest person. This is the key and core message which I did not know. I thank Allah SWT for today He has given me the breath of life; I thank Allah SWT for giving me time, strength and opportunity to learn the teachings of the Quran. I also want to thank Allah SWT for opening my eyes so I can see and also helping me to answer my questions. All praises be to Allah SWT. Amen.

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