Man’s ancestor – Adam

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The word ‘Adam’ appears 26 times in the Quran (in Arabic text). Being the first to be placed on this earth and the first created man, Adam was also Allah SWT’s first servant and ancestor of mankind. Thus, the things that happened to him may be true to us. Can we say that the desires Allah SWT had for Adam are also the desires Allah SWT has for us? Therefore, it will be very helpful for us to understand Adam because we can learn many lessons through him including the good examples and warnings.

Let us study this person so that through him we will be able to understand the mystery of life and the profound revelation which Allah SWT wants to teach us.

Creation of Adam

Behold when your Rabb said to the angels: “I am about to create a man from clay; then when I have fashioned him and breathed of My spirit into him, fell down and prostrate yourselves before him.” <Quran> Surah 38: 71 – 72; 15: 28 – 29; 3: 59

Allah SWT created our ancestor Adam from clay, breathed His spirit into him, and then he became alive.

Authority which Allah SWT gave to Adam

Note that occasion, when your Rabb said to the angels: “I am going to place a vicegerent on earth.” They said: “Will You place there one who will make mischief and shed blood while we sing Your praises and glorify Your name?” Allah said: “I know what you know not.” He taught Adam the names of all things; then He presented those things to the angels and said: “Tell Me the names of these, if what you say is true?” “Glory to You,” they replied, “we have no knowledge except what You have taught us: in fact You are the One who is perfect in knowledge and wisdom.” Allah said: “O Adam! Tell them their names.” When Adam told then their names, Allah said: “Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of the heavens and the earth, and I know what you reveal and what you conceal?” <Quran> Surah 2: 30 – 33

From here, we know the purpose of Allah SWT when He created our ancestor who would be a vicegerent on earth and ruled the earth for Him. This is such a great glory. Allah SWT even taught Adam the names of all things. In other words, Adam was Allah SWT’s first student. There must be a lot of interaction between Allah SWT and Adam, and we are very envy of the intimate relationship between them.

After this, Allah SWT instructed Adam to teach the angels about the names of all things, and asked the angels to prostrate before Adam but Iblees refused to do so. This obviously showed that the glory and power that Allah SWT gave to Adam was far beyond all angels.

The test which Allah SWT gave to Adam

Allah said: “O Adam! Dwell with your wife in paradise and eat any fruit you please; but never approach this tree or you shall both become wrongdoers.” But Shaitan tempted them so that he might reveal to them the private parts of their bodies which they had never seen before. He told them: “Your Rabb has forbidden you to approach this tree only to prevent you from becoming angels or immortals.” And he swore to them both: “I am your sincere adviser.” Thus he cunningly seduced them, and when they ate from the tree, their shame became visible to them and they began to cover themselves with the leaves of the garden. Then their Rabb called out to them: “Did I not forbid you to approach that tree, and did not I warn you that Shaitan was your open enemy?” They both replied: “Our Rabb! We have wronged our souls. If You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we shall certainly be of the losers.” Allah said: “Go down, some of you are the enemy of others. The Earth will be your dwelling place and your means of livelihood for a fixed term.” He further said: “Therein you shall live, therein you shall die, and therefrom you shall be raised to life.” <Quran> Surah 7: 19 – 25

We can see from here, Allah SWT allowed Adam and his wife to stay in the most beautiful paradise. He also gave them a commandment at the same time – they were not allowed to approach the tree. However, they were tempted by Shaitan and not only did they approach the tree but they ate the fruit from the tree. They lost in this test. After confessing their sins, Allah SWT announced their punishment.

Next, let us think. Why did Adam fail? The reason for his failure could also be the reason for our failure; things that happened to him will repeat in us too.

The reasons for Adam’s failure

1.    We had taken a covenant from Adam before, but he forgot. We did not find in him firm determination. <Quran> Surah 20: 115

Here, Allah SWT tells us very clearly: the reason for Adam’s failure is that he forgot Allah SWT’s instruction. Then, what is the warning to us? If we are not determined to obey the instruction that Allah SWT gave to Adam and mankind, similarly we will be the one tempted by the evil one.

You shall certainly be tested through your wealth and your persons; and you will certainly hear much that is hurtful from those who were given the Book before you, and from the Mushrikeen. But if you endure with patience and have fear of Allah, this will surely be a proof of your firm determination. <Quran> Surah 3: 186, 31: 17, 42: 43

It is stated clearly in the Quran; when our body and wealth are tested or when we are facing malicious verbal attacks from our enemy or suffer when we establish Salah, enjoin good and forbid evil, endure all kinds of trials and tribulations, we should be determined to persevere and revere Allah SWT.

The trials we are facing nowadays are too great for us to bear. The temptation of the materialistic world is so great and there are many things that tempt us, draw our attention away from the correct path. Occasionally, we hear some good examples to revere Allah SWT and have determined to follow them. However, we ultimately discover that our determination and zeal do not last long. Unknowingly, we have lost the fervor we had for Allah SWT initially. In fact, our determination will be tested in our daily lives! Allah SWT wants to see whether or not we are determined to abide by His word in our daily lives. As a matter of fact, to abide by Allah SWT’s word is not very difficult for those who are determined to do so by His mercy. This is because Allah SWT’s mercy is sufficient for us.

It is very dangerous to forget Allah SWT!  Forgetting Allah SWT is to disobey Him. Allah SWT had said that He will forget us if we forget Him (QS 9: 67). It is a very scary matter to be forgotten by Allah SWT, which means that Allah SWT will not remember everything that we do. As we have forgotten and disobeyed Allah SWT, all the good deeds that we performed previously would be in vain. Furthermore, we have to face punishments in the last day and this is something miserable!

2.    …Thus did Adam disobey his Rabb and go astray. <Quran> Surah 20: 121

It is stated clearly in the Quran another reason for Adam’s failure – he disobeyed Allah SWT. What is the meaning of ‘disobey’? It means ‘betray, hear but not obey, being arrogant and refuse to comply’.

The Israelites betrayed Allah SWT: they heard but did not obey. (QS 2: 93)

Men defied the commandment of Allah SWT because of their arrogance. (QS 7: 76 – 77)

But when after that they persisted in their forbidden ways, We said to them: “Be detested apes.” (QS 7: 166)

But when He gave them of His bounty they became stingy, turned back from their covenant and became evasive. (QS 9: 76)

After experiencing Allah SWT’s mercy, these people still disobeyed Him. Thus, Allah SWT brought disaster upon the Israelites as a result of their disobedience and arrogance.

When We said to the angels: “Prostrate yourself before Adam,” all prostrated themselves except Iblees, who was one of the Jinns and chose to disobey the command of his Rabb. <Quran> Surah 18: 50

Iblees disobeyed Allah SWT’s command. If we too disobey Allah SWT’s command, we are walking on the same path with Iblees; we belong to Iblees but not to Allah SWT. Iblees will end up in eternal destruction. Do we still want to follow him then?

The reasons of Adam’s failure are evident: we know that we can fail very easily. Only if we depend on Allah SWT’s mercy in living our lives, resist the temptation of material and lust; keep away from the temptation of the evil one, then only we can be a faithful, trustworthy, persevering Muslim.

Intense war

When We ordered the angels: “Prostrate before Adam in respect,” they all prostrated except Iblees who refused in his arrogance and became a disbeliever. <Quran> Surah 2: 34

Allah SWT ordered all angels to prostrate before Adam, only Iblees refused to obey because he was proud of himself for being a Jinn. He never realized that other angels who are greater than him had chosen to follow Allah SWT’s instruction and this caused him to go astray. Iblees was punished heavily because of man’s ancestor, thus he vents his anger on Adam and his descendants. Since then, Iblees will try all his ways to ambush us from the front, from the back, from the left as well as from the right. We are at the losing side in this war as our enemies are great and strong and they watch us from where we cannot see them. (QS 7: 17, 27). How do we gain victory in this war then?

O children of Adam! We have sent down to you clothing to cover your nakedness and as an adornment, however; the best clothing is the clothing of piety. This is one of Allah’s revelations so that the people may learn a lesson. <Quran> Surah 7: 26

O children of Adam! Whenever there come to you Rasools from among you and recite to you My revelations, those who will become righteous and mend their ways will have nothing to fear or to grieve. <Quran> Surah 7: 35)

From here, we are told that Allah SWT had prepared for us the clothing of piety. What is the meaning of ‘clothing of piety’? It is the willingness to totally submit to Allah SWT’s command from the heart. Of course when one is willing to submit totally to Allah SWT’s command must express outwardly in his proper clothing. What is the meaning of ‘mend their ways’? This is to practise control over ourselves in every aspect. Everyone has their own distinctive weaknesses: some people like to be praised, they will get carried away when they are praised; some are weak in controlling their lust; some people are hot-tempered and can easily get angry, thus hurting those around them etc. Are we willing to depend on Allah SWT’s grace to train ourselves? Allah SWT is very concerned about the attitude of our hearts; whether or not we are fearful and submissive. The question is; do we see these as important? If we do, then we can follow and practise in our daily lives the instructions that Allah SWT had given to Adam and mankind. Then only we will be able to receive the clothing of piety and grace to mend our ways.

Recite to them in all truth the story of Adam’s two sons: ……………….. The latter’s soul prompted him to kill his brother; he killed him and thus became one of the losers. <Quran> Surah 5: 27 – 30

Allah SWT used this example to remind us: if we do not know how to manage our selfish desire, it will lead to destructive results and cause us to kill people. Islam is also aware of the danger of selfish desire; thus each year, there is one month of fasting (Ramadan). The purpose of Allah SWT requiring us to fast and to revere, do charity and keep our promise (faith), perform Salah and pilgrimage is to control our desires. However, how many pay attention to the real meaning of Ramadan? Many people take fasting month as a formality. Are we trying to deceive Allah SWT? Or are we trying to appease our conscience? We stress on what food that can be eaten (halal) and what is not (haram) in order to show that we are clean. But we do not pay attention to the fasting of our selfish desire, we do not mind to complain and angry at people, being arrogant and proud, insolent; we do not mind to indulge in our lust. The innermost being is full of filth and uncleanness. Let me tell you one thing: you may not mind about all these but Allah SWT minds! This is because Allah SWT wants us to have a true holy life. In future, only one type of people will be with Allah SWT in paradise: these are people who fight against their desire in daily life by His grace and gain victory. If we can prevail over our desire, this means we have victory over evil because the evil one will control us through our selfish desire.

Adam’s repentance

They both replied: “Our Rabb! We have wronged our souls. If You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we shall certainly be of the losers.” <Quran> Surah 7: 23

Then Adam received appropriate words from his Rabb and repented, and Allah accepted his repentance. Surely, He is the Acceptor of Repentance, the Merciful. <Quran> Surah 2: 37

After they had repented, Allah SWT forgave them.

These are some of the Prophets on whom Allah bestowed His favors from among the descendants of Adam and of those whom We carried in the Ark with Nuh, and of the descendants of Ibraheem and Israel, and of those whom We guided and chose. Whenever the Revelations of the Compassionate (Allah) were recited to them, they fell to prostrate and weep. <Quran> Surah 19: 58

After Adam and his wife had repented, Allah SWT still blessed him and his descendants. Allah SWT is merciful and this is the motivation for us to follow Him.  May Allah SWT’s compassion and kindness make us more willing to revere Him.


(Note: All Al-Quran verses are sourced from English Translation of the Meaning of AL-QU’RAN, The Guidance for Mankind, by Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam Malik, Copyright 1997, The Institute of Islamic Knowledge, Houston, Texas, U.S.A, with thanks)

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