The Sign of Muslim’s life

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<Quran> Surah 19:96.  On those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, will (Allah) Most Gracious bestow love.

 Muslims are people who submit to Allah SWT, they believe and work deeds of righteousness. How do we know whether we are Muslims in the sight of Allah SWT? Do we need to wait until the Judgment Day to find out? What are the qualities which characterized a Muslim’s life?

Generally, believers emphasize only on the surface of religion such as compliance with serious worship, ladies wearing veils, doing charity, pilgrimage, fasting, and follow religious protocol in life. They thought this is the standard and sign of a Muslim. However, there are still many Muslims who feel confused and disturbed. Why is there indifference in each other, divisions, fighting, even malicious killings among those who call themselves Muslims, among those Muslims who are devout in performing religious rituals?

<Quran> Surah 19:96 tells us clearly: Muslims, those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, Allah SWT will surely give them the love that is from Him. Love, is the important sign of life of a real Muslim. This surprises us! Are the Muslims being misguided?

We should not understand ‘Muslim’ from the bedding surface of religion or doctrine. Muslim is not a kind of empty shell supported by religious doctrine. It is actually a behavioral concept; to be more exact, it is a concept concerning a quality of life. This is what being a Muslim is all about, it does not matter with what you have done, but what kind of person you are. If you are a Muslim, you will show the broad love and kindness of Allah SWT. You will show mercy and tolerance if you have kindness in you; on the other hand, you will show ego and hatred if you have greed and jealousy in you. Men cannot hide what is in them. Allah SWT makes the sun to rise on the righteous and the unrighteous; He sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. To be a Muslim means there will be changes or renewal in our humanity. From now on, we will be filled with Allah’s love and mercy. To be a Muslim, you are to live your life according to these attributes. So, is there still any difficulty for you to live a life of tolerance, compassion, honesty and righteousness?

<Quran> Surah 57:27.  Then, in their wake, We followed them up with (others of) Our messengers: We sent after them Jesus the son of Mary, and bestowed on him the Gospel; and We ordained in the hearts of those who followed him Compassion and Mercy….

Followers of Prophet Isa have compassion and mercy in their hearts! How can the Quran give such a high regard to Prophet Isa’s followers? This has caused us, who being Muslims, to jealousy. Are they Muslims?

The meaning of ‘Islam’ is peace and submission. Muslims are to submit to Allah SWT, to have a peaceful relationship with Him and only then can bring peace to this world. However, it is only an empty name and slogan left for the peaceful Islam! How can an Islamic world that is being divided and have conflict with each other bring peace and tranquility to people? How can they show others the hope in believing Allah SWT? Muslims that have deep love for the truth, deep love for Allah SWT, deep love for peace are heartbroken. A Muslim undergraduate cried and said to me, “We Muslims are ill, we need a major surgery!”

The gleam of hope to change the current state of Islam is not to follow the religious traditions, is not reforming the overall religious society but is the total change in the nature and quality of individual life: let Allah SWT give us His compassion and mercy, honesty and righteousness, so these will be the nature of our life!

It is not possible to be in detail about this topic in this short discussion. This is just to throw a sprat to catch a herring, so that brothers and sisters who are concerned about the life quality of Muslims and the future of Islam can continue to discuss.

(Note: All Al-Quran verses are sourced from English Translation of Al-Quran by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, with thanks)

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