At-Taubah (Repentance)

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  • A Letter About At – Taubah

If one were to read At – Taubah, then one has to consider a question, “Why do I have to tauba?” This involves dealing with the problem of sins. If I do not sin, then it is not necessary to tauba. It is not possible for one not to have sinned before. This is because we have to tauba for Allah SWT, He is our creator and we are accountable to Him in everything we have done.

A)   How does Al-Quran view about sin? What is sin?

  1. At – Taubah: 3, 5 Allah see the mushrikeen as sinners
  2. Al – Maidah: 33 Those who wage war against Allah and His Rasool and strive to create mischief in the land are sinners
  3. Al – Anam: 54 Those who commit evil because of ignorance
  4. Al – Maidah: 30 The one who killed because of carnality.

There are of course still other sins such as stealing, adultery, homosexual and etc. which we do not have to list them out one by one. At least, from the Quran we can see that we have sins because of these sinful actions.

 The next thing we should consider is how to deal with sin? People need to deal with sin only when they see their own sin. Otherwise, they will not know that they need to deal with their sin. If they see their sin and yet not willing to deal with it, it will be another issue and we are not going to discuss about this now.

B)   How does Allah SWT help us to realize our sin when dealing with it?

  1. Al – Maidah: 31 Allah sent a crow to show this man that he had sinned by killing his brother, so he came to realize and became regretful.
  2. Al – Araf: 174 The Lord explained the Verses so that men might return (to the right path). At – Taubah: 3, Hud: 90, Az – Zukhruf: 28 The Lord called on the people to repent through His Messengers.
  3. At – Taubah: 126 The verses before and after talked about the purpose of the Lord tested the people so that they would come to realize the truth and repent. However, the response of the people here was such that they did not repent. We can see from here that there will be two types of results when the Lord revealed His Surah to us: the believers will certainly increase in faith and they rejoice, those unbelievers will increase evil to their evil. The different results are dependent on how we response to Allah SWT.
  4. Ar – Rum: 41, As – Sajdah: 21, Az – Zukhruf: 48 Because of sin, the Lord allows disaster to happen to us, so we are able to see our sins and confess to Him. If we truly repent, He will help us to escape the greater punishment during the Judgement day in the future. Therefore, to the believers, whenever they face disaster, they should come to the Lord and examine themselves. Is there anything that one should confess to the Lord?
  5. Al – Araf: 143 When Musa saw Allah’s glory, he also at the same time saw his own sin and thus confessed to the Lord. We can see from here: there is a great significance as to whether or not one can confess his or her sin to the Lord and whether or not the person can see the Lord’s glory.
  6. Az – Zumar: 27 The Lord has explained in this Quran for mankind from every similitude so that they may take heed. ‘Take heed’ here contains the meaning of ‘remember’, ‘keep our eyes open’. From here we can see that the Quran is teaching us to ponder more frequently and come to realize so as to confess our sin to the Lord.
  7. Sad: 29, Ad – Dukhan: 58 The Lord uses the Quran where He made the Quran easy for the people, hoping that they will take heed (become righteous)

From the Surahs above, we can see that a person can confess his sin to the Lord after he has sinned. This is a gracious help from Allah SWT. Allah SWT has done a lot of work for us; first, He helps us to be able to see our own sins so that we can confess to Him. Thus, we know that the Lord whom we follow is the most compassionate and merciful. He not only guides us to confess our sin, He too accepts our confession and continuously gives us opportunity to repent.

C)   Let us continue to understand the Lord who is the most compassionate and merciful so we will increase our faith in Him and turn to Him.

  1. Ghafir: 40 Our Lord is Almighty and knows all things, the Forgiver of sins, the Acceptor of repentance and the Lord of retribution.
  2. At – Taubah: 3, 5, 11, 74 The sin of the mushrikeen is the most serious one in the Quran. How do we know? Muslims can kill the mushrikeen whenever they see them after the forbidden months are over. However, if the mushrikeen confess their sins to the Lord, the Muslims shall call them brethren, their sins will be forgiven. Here we can see the kindness of Allah SWT towards sinners.
  3. At – Taubah: 117, 118 Allah SWT gives a way out to those who are in despair because of seeing their own sins. He allows them to repent and accepts them.

From the above Surahs, it proves that Allah’s kindness is very rich. He shows understanding and sympathy for men and has mercy on them.

D)   Since Allah SWT is so kind, then there will be no shelf- life for our repentance? Quran tells us: NO

  1. Al – Ahqaf: 27 Before the Lord destroyed a town, He would repeatedly send His signs to men so that they would turn to the right way. Men will have to face destruction if they do not listen.
  2. Fatir: 37 These people are already in the fire of hell. Allah SWT had given them a long enough life so that they would turn to the right way. However, they did not seize the opportunity and there is no more opportunity after they die. Thus, we should repent to the Lord while we are still alive; we should appreciate when Allah SWT gives us the opportunity to repent. Do not delay because we do not know whether there is tomorrow for us.

E)   Which type of people and repentance will Allah SWT accept?

  1. At – Tauba: 117, 118 Those who regret deeply from the bottom of their hearts and thus seek forgiveness from Allah SWT.
  2. At – Tahreem: 8 Those who turn to Allah SWT in sincere repentance.
  3. An – Nisa: 17 Allah SWT will forgive those who do evil in ignorance and repent as soon as they realize it.
  4. Al – Isra: 25 Those who do good deeds, Allah SWT will always accept their repentance. From here we can see that repentance is not only one time but it is a process because it is not possible for these people who do good deeds to sin purposely.

From the above Surahs, we can know whether or not our repentance is accepted by Allah SWT. It is dependent on our attitude at the time of repentance; is it sincere, deeply regretful, hate evil/sin, and determine to be parted from sin. Allah SWT is happy to accept this kind of repentance.

F)    Repentance that is not acceptable to Allah SWT.

  1. An – Nisa: 18 Those who persist in their evil deeds until death approaches them, then only repent.
  2. Al – e- Imran: 90 Those who repeatedly disbelieve.

G)   How is a person who repents to Allah SWT?

  1. Al – Furqan: 70-76 Those who repent and after that change into a new person, they always turn to Allah SWT, there is no falsehood in their lives, they are also far apart from evil doing, they fear and respect Allah SWT. They are always praying to the Lord, there is a living relationship between them and Allah SWT. To them, Allah’s help is very real and they know Him very well.
  2. Hud: 75 Ibraheem is compassionate, he too repented to Allah SWT. From here, we see that there is a close relationship between repenting and having the compassion of Allah SWT. Obviously, people who always turn in repentance to Allah SWT will repeatedly experience the Lord’s acceptance. Deep down in their hearts they will find that Allah’s compassion and mercy is very precious and real to them, the grace of the forgiveness from Allah SWT is so great. Then they will understand Allah’s compassion and mercy and will develop these qualities in their lives eventually. So, when they see others being punished because of sin, they will plead for them.

The above are my simple understanding about At – Taubah; there is a lot of inadequacy, thus I welcome your advice and hope to exchange experience with you.

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