Allah SWT’s New Creation

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Have you ever imagined the time when heaven and earth were created? The astronomers estimated around 140 billion years ago, our universe arose from a big explosion where its temperature and intensity were beyond our imagination. Besides, the Al-Quran also provides us another answer.

<Quran> Surah 35: 16 If He so pleased, He could blot you out and bring in a New Creation.

Here in this verse it says that if Allah SWT so will, He will bring a new creation.

Let us think, what is the meaning of ‘create’? Nowadays, we used to talk about the power of creation, being creative, new invention, new discovery and etc. Are these the same as to ‘create’? Fashion designers are said to be creative because they are good in designing new and modern clothing out of traditional clothing materials, they are good in matching colours to their designs. Authors are said to be creative because of their interesting writing style.

However, the meaning of ‘create’ for Allah SWT is different from all these. Allah SWT creates something out of nothing which means that all His creations are totally new and none of them existed before. Comparatively, fashion designer creates clothing using existing colours and materials. Authors also make use of incidents happening in their surroundings for their stories. Yet, Allah’s creations did not exist before in the world, such as He created man, air, water which did not exist before in this world.

Let us think now, what is the meaning of ‘new’? Nowadays, a lot of people own cars. Due to financial constraints, some will choose to buy a second-hand car and sent it to be refurbished. After the repainting and polishing, the second hand car will look like a new car. Although its engine may not be as good as that of a new car but it appears new outwardly.

We also call the newly married couples as new couples. In order to prepare for wedding, they will spend time to make themselves look pleasant: they will go to salon for new hair style, skin care centre for skin whitening. They will also go on diet to reduce body weight so that they will look nice and beautiful in their wedding gowns.

Through these examples, let us think how our beliefs made us change. A lot of people who believe in Allah SWT emphasize on changing their life styles, getting rid of bad habits and cultivate good habits: no smoking, no gambling, no drinking, no haram (forbidden) food, wake up for early prayer, memorize and recite verses, wear proper attire and etc. There is nothing wrong and bad in changing the habits and attitudes which can be seen outwardly. However, these are not the foundation of our beliefs. A foundation is something that cannot be seen such as the foundation of a house or tree because all of them are buried in the soil and none of them can be seen from above the ground

< Quran > Surah 2 : 3 Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them;

Surah 2 verse 3 says to believe in Allah SWT is to believe in something that cannot be seen. This is because the change of the outside does not represent the change of the inside. Most people that started wars in this world claim themselves to be believers of Allah SWT, they never smoke, they never drink and they all perform prayers.

In Surah 35 verse 16, why is the word ‘new’ used to describe the creation? The meaning of this word is being repeated because all those being created are new. The word ‘create’ contains the meaning of ‘new’, isn’t it?

Obviously, here is a comparison between old and new. Old creation is referring to the heaven and earth that Allah SWT had created. All of us born into this world live in the old creation. This old creation can be seen, unlike the new creation which is unseen. The new creation starts from within a person, which is the amazing part of our beliefs.

When we believe in Allah SWT, He will give us a new experience, an experience inwardly. The reason for a person comes to know and believe in Allah SWT is because Allah SWT works in him. The most he can do is to change his habit or understand certain logical rules. Without Allah SWT’s work, he can never experience this new creation.

How to enter into the new creation then? In Surah 35 verse 16 says, Allah SWT will destroy you and replace you with a new creation. In order to be a new creation, one must first be ‘destroyed’. What is the meaning of destroy? The word ‘destroy’ is found in Surah 2 verse 17 and translated as ‘take away’. What does Allah SWT want to take away? Allah SWT wants to take away our evil desires.

< Quran > Surah 79 : 40 – 41 And for such as had entertained the fear of standing before their Lord’s (tribunal) and had restrained (their) soul from lower desires, Their abode will be the Garden.

What is bad about evil desires? Is there anyone in this world who does not like to eat, drink and have fun? In order to have a brighter future, we have to study hard; in order to earn a lot of money, we have to work hard also. With the money earned, we can buy bigger house and do not have to worry about medical treatment when we fall sick. There is nothing bad and wrong with this kind of life style since everyone in this world now is having such life style. I used to think like this until Allah SWT opened my eyes. Then only I understand the truth.

I remembered a few years ago, when my child was three years old, I did not spend much time with him because of my hectic work schedule. Most of the time, my child was taken care of by his mother. During those days, my child always wanted to be accompanied by my wife, and would cry whenever my wife was not around. There was one night, my wife needed to go out to run some errands and she went out after my child was asleep. However, my child woke up after she left and cried. I tried my best to pacify my child, starting with the favourite toys to sweets but none of these helped. After crying for half an hour, I said, “I do not know when mama is coming home but we can kneel down together and pray to Allah SWT so that He will bring mama back soon. If you want mama back soon, I can pray together with you.” Surprisingly, my child agreed to pray with me. In fact, I did not have much confidence in that prayer at that time because I did not know how Allah SWT would answer my three-year-old child’s prayer. After I prayed, I really wish my wife would be at the main door, otherwise I would not know how to tolerate with my child’s crying. After the prayer, it was quiet, there was no sound of mama coming back but my child did not cry. I asked what had happened. Tired of crying? Well, my child answered that Allah SWT had agreed to bring his mother back. I did not know how Allah SWT answered a child’s prayer but surely, I knew Allah’s answer was better than mine. The answer that Allah SWT gave brought peace to my child and changed him.

In this competitive society, there are many stressful people who have no peace in them and some cannot sleep well. They are like a child, without seeing their mother, there will be no peace and cannot sleep well. When Allah SWT opens the eyes of a child, he will experience the peace that Allah SWT alone can provide.

Lastly, let us see how to live our newly created life,

< Quran > Surah 35: 19 -22 The blind and the seeing are not alike; Nor are the depths of Darkness and the Light; Nor are the (chilly) shade and the (genial) heat of the sun: Nor are alike those that are living and those that are dead. Allah can make any that He wills to hear; but thou canst not make those to hear who are (buried) in graves.

Here, four types of comparison are used to describe the new creation – the blind and the seeing, darkness and light, shade and heat, the living and the dead. The emphasis is on the differences between them, they are not alike.

The word ‘alike’ is found in Surah 37 verse 55 and Surah 44 verse 47 and is translated as ‘in the midst of’. This tells us that old life can never be in the midst of newly created life. Many are not able to have this amazing experience of new life after believing in Allah SWT because they are still standing in between old life and new life. They want to experience the peace in the new life, yet they are not willing to let go of the old evil desires. As a result, they get nothing but get worse in their conscience.

I hope that Allah SWT will bring you into the new creation so that you will experience the peace which only Allah SWT can provide.


Note: All Al-Quran verses are sourced from English Translation of Al-Quran by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, with thanks.

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