Since a long time ago, Prophet Isa’s identity and mission had became a point of argument and mystery in the Christian and Islamic worlds. Today, those who love the truth and have pondered about religion and history notice this. Muslim’s faith is based on the Quran which is the Word of Allah. Thus, filtering out and abandoning personal traditional concepts regarding the Quran and return to the original meaning of the Quran is more than ever important.
How does the Quran speak about Prophet Isa? What is the meaning of Prophet Isa to Muslim’s belief? These questions have caused us to think twice. The following is a conversation in written form which is meaningful and worth to be pondered deeply….
Dear Muslim brothers:
It is very happy to know you. However, the time is too short and we still haven’t known each other deeply and hope that the Lord will prepare us an opportunity to meet in the future. Just as what I have expressed in most of the meetings, as a Christian I really hope to meet with Muslim friends who are able to abandon the narrowness and prejudice of religion and come together calmly to seek the matter of believing in Allah SWT. It is very difficult to have this occasion in practical life due to many hindrances. However, I have read in the Quran, Prophet Muhammad SAW was an open-minded man with vast experience and knew how to distinguish between right and wrong. He understood and thought about issues in the society and various religious problems at that time. On one hand, he taught his followers, “.O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors” (Surah 5: 51). On the other hand, he too said, “Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, “We are Christians”: because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant.” (Surah 5: 82). What is going on here? Actually, the prophet had come into contact with different Christians. During those times, due to the influence of the Greek philosophy, polytheism and Gnosticism, the theological doctrine of Christianity (the conceptual interpretation of the ‘Bible’ text) had deviated from the teachings of Prophet Isa and his early disciples. Those ‘fathers’ who had the rights to teach had controlled the public opinions, their ideas had become the mainstream of theology. To a common follower, it was difficult to differentiate these. They were only parroting, the eyes and brains of the authority would be their eyes and brains, they did not think and did not know how to think because their sense of thinking had been so affected, they were so intoxicated in the concepts and terms that the authority instilled in them. However, if you are familiar with history especially the history of Christianity, you will find that suppression can never put off the fire for the calling of truth. To those honest people that were looted and deported, their hope was in the Lord, they did not fancy recognition and praise from the present age, they only wanted to please Allah SWT.
It is not easy for me to have this little breakthrough in my faith, this requires courage and honesty and I thank Allah SWT for this! He allows me to come into contact with some Christian scholars who are honest, courageous and spiritually deep. They guided me to read the Quran with a heart of reverence and fear and also overcome the obstacles so that I will know Prophet Muhammad SAW. Thanks to Allah SWT, by comparing Al-Quran with the Bible, I see the wonderful links between them and am able to read the Books sent down by Allah from a new perspective and at the same time examine my (and Muslim friends’) source of concepts. To the Muslims, isn’t Al-Quran the highest authority of their faith?
Traditionally, there is a popular saying: the Quran was sent down and this indicates that whatever sent down before by Allah SWT is abandoned. What is the basis of this perspective? Until now, none of the Muslim friends can show me a solid proof for this perspective from the Quran. Conversely, I have seen a lot of different teachings in the Quran, for example:
<Quran> Surah 3: 3 It is He Who sent down to thee (step by step), in truth, the Book, confirming what went before it; and He sent down the Law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus) before this, as a guide to mankind, and He sent down the criterion (of judgment between right and wrong).
<Quran> Surah 3: 4 Then those who reject Faith in the Signs of Allah will suffer the severest penalty, and Allah is Exalted in Might, Lord of Retribution.
The meaning of these verses is very obvious; do we still need any extra explanation? “It is He Who sent down to thee (step by step), in truth, the Book, confirming what went before it ……” Isn’t the purpose of sending down the Quran clear? The purpose of sending the Quran is to abandon the Torah and Injil or confirming the Torah and Injil? What is the meaning of ‘confirming’? The meaning of ‘confirming’ is to identify, to acknowledge, establish more firmly, to consolidate and enable effectiveness. Torah and Injil are the guide to mankind. “He sent down the Law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus) before this…”, ‘sent down’ here is in past tense, it is understood that it is referring to the books sent down before that is the Torah and Injil.
If the Torah and Injil sent down by Allah SWT are abandoned as someone said, what will be the consequences? Will this affect the genuineness and authority of the Quran? Quran has quoted a lot of historical stories and stories of the prophets. How will this affect a Muslim’s faith and his/her life? Isn’t it only empty rhetoric when we say “believe in the Revelation sent to thee, and sent before thy time” (Surah 2: 4)? Throughout the history of mankind and the revelations, Allah SWT revealed Himself and His plan for the salvation of mankind so that man will know Him and build a real and harmonious relationship with Him. Cutting off from the history is to deny Allah’s revelations and His actions. This is equivalent to denying the history of a country and only emphasizing and showing off the modern civilization. In doing so, there will be no root for a country’s modern civilization. In fact, this also denies what is called the modern civilization. That is why most of the Muslims are narrow-minded in their belief, paranoid, blind and proud, rigidly adhere to the religious regulations and prohibitions which are something so external but do not know how to build a living relationship with Allah SWT.
There are people saying Torah and Injil are abandoned because they had been tampered. Wait a minute! Let us review this point. Where is the basis for this? Is there any evidence in the Quran that shows that the Torah and Injil had been tampered? Is the whole of Torah and Injil been tampered or only part of them? Which part then had been tampered? A lot of people hold the above views but none can come out with proof. Yes, the Quran repeatedly says, “Do not say “Trinity”! (Surah 4: 171). In blasphemy indeed are those that say that Allah is Christ the son of Mary (Surah 5: 17). It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah that He should beget a son (Surah 19: 35). The Quran was aiming at the prevalent saying of “Trinity” in those days, and this definition is never found in the Bible. Conversely, both Torah and Injil clearly and consistently emphasize that Allah SWT (which Jews called Him “Yahweh”, referring to the Creator of the universe, God who saved them out of slavery in Egypt) is the only One God. There are a lot of verses telling about this.
What are we actually saying when we say Torah and Injil had been abandoned, the Books before had been tampered? What does this mean? Why does Allah SWT not protect the records of His revelations to the prophets and the records of His actions during those days? Are we trying to say that there are people powerful enough to tamper with Allah’s revelations and distort the records of Allah’s action in mankind history? The one who said this does not understand at all the great archeological discoveries such as the ‘Dead Sea Scrolls’. Throughout the years, the critics’ arguments never annul the authority of the Bible. On the other hand, it makes the Bible to be more valid and the list goes on.
Initially, there were a lot of my Muslim friends who welcomed me whenever we met. However, their warm reception cooled down gradually, they showed me their hands and say ‘assalamualaikum’ but they showed evasive look in their eyes where they could not hide their uneasiness. They told me the truth, the questions I raised to them had caused them to fear, they were worried that their belief might be shaken.
When we discussed about Prophet Isa, I asked them, “Who is Prophet Isa?”
Answered, “A prophet.”
I asked, “Then, do you know anything about his life and his teaching? As a prophet, what was the special mission Allah SWT had given him?”
Answered, “The Quran has covered all the revelations, and we do not need to know anything that is not mentioned in the Quran”
I asked, “You are saying that your belief is based on the Quran and it is the highest authority. Besides this, there is no any other books can be on par with the Quran?”
Answered, “Yes.”
I asked, “Then, how do you explain <Quran> Surah 3: 55 that mentioned to follow Prophet Isa, Allah SWT said He would exalt Prophet Isa’s followers above the unbelievers?”
<Quran> Surah 3:55. “Behold! Allah said: “O Jesus! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee (of the falsehoods) of those who blaspheme; I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject faith, to the Day of Resurrection: Then shall ye all return unto me, and I will judge between you of the matters wherein ye dispute.”
Answered, “We only believe in Allah SWT! We only follow the examples of the great Prophet Muhammad SAW.”
I asked, “What is Prophet Muhammad SAW’s view about Prophet Isa?”
Answered, “We do not know and have never thought about this issue.”
I asked, “How does the Quran discuss about Prophet Isa?”
Answered, “He is the son of Maryam, same as Adam he was created by Allah SWT.”
I said, “Yes, he is the son of virgin Maryam. <Quran> Surah 3: 59 stress that Prophet Isa and Adam are both men, Allah SWT created Adam out of dust, Allah SWT said, ‘Be’ and he was. The birth of Prophet Isa was also because of the word that Allah SWT said. However, is there anything different between Prophet Isa and Adam?
Answered, “There is no difference.”
I asked, “Adam went against Allah’s commandment, he had sinned. But Isa had never sinned, he submitted totally to the will of Allah SWT and completed the mission that Allah SWT entrusted to him.”
Answered, “Yes, Prophet Isa really did not sin.”
I asked, “<Quran> Surah 3: 45, Behold! The angels said: “O Mary! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those nearest to Allah. Is there anyone else in the Quran said to be held in honour in this world and the Hereafter and of those nearest to Allah SWT?”
Answered, “No.”
I said, “According to my research, of course I do not understand Arabic language but based on the translation of the Al-Quran in other languages, among all the prophets only Prophet Isa was granted such remarkable glory. Do you understand the meaning of ‘Christ’?”
Answered, “No.”
I said, “The word ‘Christ’ originated from Greek ‘Christos’, means ‘the anointed one’. Only kings, priests and prophets have the right to be anointed. Kings, priests and prophets will be anointed when they commence responsibility. In Hebrew and Arabic language, this word ‘Masih’, means ‘savior’ (This explanation is based on the notes of authority, Yusuf Ali’s Commentary). ‘Masih’ is neither a surname nor a name, but a title and a badge of identity. What does it mean when Prophet Isa is addressed as Jesus Christ or Isa Al-Masih in the Quran?”
Answered, “Do not know and have never heard of this explanation.”
I asked, “<Quran> Surah 3: 49 said that by Allah’s leave, Isa heals the blind and the lepers, and raise the dead to life. Don’t you think that Prophet Isa is a very special prophet among all the prophets?”
Answered, “Prophet Muhammad SAW is the greatest prophet!”
I said, “The reason I examine the Quran is not to compare between Prophet Isa and Prophet Muhammad, finding which one is greater but to make one point clear that is; how does the Quran and Prophet Muhammad SAW view about Prophet Isa. Prophet Muhammad SAW wanted to emphasize on the absoluteness of Allah SWT. No one else should be worshipped besides Allah SWT. When he said Prophet Isa is the son of Maryam, he did not mean to depreciate the honourable identity of Prophet Isa. From the discussion about Prophet Isa we can see that Prophet Muhammad is an honest witness. This is in sharp contrast to the common Muslim’s world that is afraid of facing the true identity of Prophet Isa and who is trying to belittle him. In fact, understand Prophet Isa properly will not affect the honourable status of Prophet Muhammad SAW in the heart of Muslims. This is because both Prophet Muhammad SAW and Prophet Isa guide people in fearing and worshipping Allah SWT. Both of them have the same belief. In <Quran> Surah 3: 50-51, Isa said, “'(I have come to you), to attest the Law which was before me. And to make lawful to you part of what was (Before) forbidden to you; I have come to you with a Sign from your Lord. So fear Allah, and obey me. It is Allah Who is my Lord and your Lord; then worship Him. This is a Way that is straight.'”
Answered, “You are a Christian and you are hoping that we become Christians too, just like you?”
I said, “From the Quran I do not see any problem in following Prophet Isa. This is because in the <Quran> Surah 57: 27 “Then, in their wake, We followed them up with (others of) Our messengers: We sent after them Jesus the son of Mary, and bestowed on him the Gospel; and We ordained in the hearts of those who followed him Compassion and Mercy.” How did Prophet Muhammad SAW view Christians? Isn’t it clear?”
Answered, “Prophet Muhammad SAW wanted us to become Muslim.”
I asked, “The meaning of Islam is to submit to Allah SWT. Do Christians not believing in Allah SWT, not submitting to Allah SWT? What is the difference between the faith of Muslims and Christians?
Answered, “You, Christians follow Prophet Isa and we, Muslims only follow the great Prophet Muhammad SAW.”
I asked, “What is the source of faith of Prophet Muhammad SAW?”
Answered, “From the revelation of Allah SWT.”
I asked, “Don’t you think that before and during the process of receiving revelations, Prophet Muhammad SAW had come into contact with the Jews and various types of disciples of Christ? Those were the days when Christianity spread most rapidly; it was the most popular period of ‘Trinity’. The area where Prophet Muhammad lived was the base of early Christianity and a lot of moving stories took place during those days.”
Answered, “The source of faith of Prophet Muhammad SAW was definitely not from man but from the revelation of Allah SWT.”
I said, “Exactly. Then, his view about Prophet Isa was also from the revelation of Allah SWT, right?”
Answered, “Yes.”
I said, “<Quran> Surah 3: 50 “‘(I have come to you), to attest the Law which was before me. And to make lawful to you part of what was (Before) forbidden to you; I have come to you with a Sign from your Lord. So fear Allah, and obey me. Surah 3: 51 “‘It is Allah Who is my Lord and your Lord; then worship Him. This is a Way that is straight.’ Surah 3: 52, When Jesus found Unbelief on their part He said: “Who will be My helpers to (the work of) Allah?” Said the disciples: “We are Allah’s helpers: We believe in Allah, and do thou bear witness that we are Muslims. Surah 3: 53, “Our Lord! We believe in what Thou hast revealed, and we follow the Messenger; then write us down among those who bear witness.” After reading a few verses above, don’t you think that Prophet Muhammad SAW was the one helping Prophet Isa in the cause of Allah SWT? Can’t you see that Prophet Muhammad SAW was a prophet that counted with those who bore witness? Do you see any conflicting attitude and emotion in Prophet Muhammad SAW towards Prophet Isa?”
Answered, “<Quran> Surah 3: 84 says, “We believe in Allah and what is revealed to us and what was revealed and given to the prophets, we do not discriminate between any one of them, and to Allah do we submit in Islam.” But you are so fascinated in discussing about Prophet Isa, are you trying to convince us to convert from Islam to Christianity?”
I said, “You are wrong! I never mean to cause any Muslims leaving Islam and entering Christianity. Allah can witness this! I have no interest in religion. You do not have to change your religion. I am concerned with how to establish faith in Allah SWT, how to build a real and close relationship with Allah SWT, how to build a life that is beyond the scope of materials, overcoming sins and without hypocrisies. Due to the conflict between religions in the past, whenever Prophet Isa is discussed, Muslim brothers will link it with the historical Christianity – western countries. Therefore, it is difficult to understand the great Prophet Isa rationally and as a consequence, our faith in life and our relationship with Allah SWT are at loss and we are unaware about it.”
Answered, “What loss do we have?”
I said, “Let us read <Quran> Surah 2: 87 “We gave Jesus the son of Mary Clear (Signs) and strengthened him with the holy spirit. Is it that whenever there comes to you a messenger with what ye yourselves desire not, ye are puffed up with pride?- Some ye called impostors, and others ye slay!” Why did Allah SWT give a lot of Clear Signs to Prophet Isa? Why is ‘Holy Spirit’ mentioned in the verse? What is ‘Holy Spirit’? A definite article added in front of the word ‘Holy Spirit’, means the specific one. Holy Spirit is powerful! Holy Spirit brings the revelations of Allah SWT (Surah 16: 102), it is from Allah SWT. What was the mission of Prophet Isa that required Allah SWT to send down the Holy Spirit to strengthen him? (The word ‘strengthen’ carries the meaning of making it stronger and consolidate). Based on the Quran, none of the prophets except Prophet Isa was strengthened with the Holy Spirit (Surah 2:87, 2: 253, 5: 110), and this is a very special point. What is the importance of Prophet Isa’s mission and what is the importance of the Injil that Allah SWT revealed to him for our worship to Allah SWT? What is the importance of these in building our relationship with Allah SWT? If you understand this point, then you will know that to deny him, to avoid him and to ignore him will cause us a loss in our faith.”
Answered, “Frankly speaking, I do not have a definite answer to the questions you asked.”
I said, “I give thanks to Allah SWT that we could have a calm, open and sincere conversation. After all, we already have a start, may Allah SWT lead us into the truth. During my contact with the Muslims, I have learned many precious lessons especially the devotion and enthusiasm in worship and reading the Quran. These have increased my reverence to Allah SWT.”
Answered, “Prophet Isa is really a stranger to me.”
I said, “There is this verse in the Quran that talks about Prophet Isa. Have you noticed <Quran> Surah 4:171 Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) a messenger of Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him. ? How do we understand Prophet Isa as Allah’s Word that Allah SWT bestowed on Maryam, and a spirit proceeding from Him? The Quran has never described any other prophet in such a way: he is the Word of Allah, a spirit from Allah. Think about this seriously and carefully, what is the meaning of this; Prophet Isa is the Word of Allah, a spirit from Allah? How do we understand this? What does this show us and what does this mean?
Answered, “Honestly, I do not understand. This is the mystery of Allah SWT.”
I asked, “Are you saying there is a secret regarding Prophet Isa?”
Answered, “May be.”
I said, “May Allah SWT give you a desire to love and to explore the truth. May Allah SWT give you wisdom so you will understand the mystery of Prophet Isa. Those who are humble and true in seeking the truth, Allah SWT will reveal the truth to them. May Allah SWT bless you!”
There are still many important contents about Prophet Isa that require thinking and exploration that cannot be fully expressed via writing. If Allah SWT will, may He give us the opportunity to meet each other again. The topic that we are discussing is very important.
Some people said, they felt the crisis of belief and their faith was shaken when talking to me. Thus, they were afraid. Some people say, after talking to me, they started to read the Quran from a new perspective, and this has stirred up their passion in reading the Quran. Thus, their faith in Allah SWT was firmer. Dear friends, I hope you belong to this category, I sincerely hope that you will become a good Muslim! Be honest and courageous to widen your mind! Do not avoid challenging the acute questions because those are the sunken reefs to our faith.
I apologize and ask for correction for any inappropriate words used in the letter. May Allah SWT reveal and forgive.
May Allah SWT revive more people that love the truth and truly follow Him in these days.
May the judgment day of Allah SWT come soon.
From one who seeks and loves the truth.
(Note: All Al-Quran verses are sourced from English Translation of Al-Quran by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, with thanks)